3 Ways Pet Owners Can Protect IAQ in Ogden, NC

Your pets can threaten your indoor air quality (IAQ) in various ways, such as shedding or spreading bacteria. Since none of us want to get rid of our little friends, it becomes necessary to find ways to mitigate the issues they can cause. Here are three ways pet owners can safeguard the IAQ in their Ogden, NC, home:

Wash Your Pets

The most important weapon against pet-related dips in IAQ is a regular and meticulous pet-cleaning regimen. It’s helpful to wipe down your pets immediately after they finish playing outside to prevent them from bringing outdoor pollutants into your home.

You should also regularly bathe and brush your pets, no matter what they’ve recently been doing. These things will help remove stray hair and wash away dander.

Invest in IAQ Solutions

While the previous suggestion may prevent pet-derived pollutants from getting into your air in the first place, this one provides an excellent means of removing them after they have already arrived. Your HVAC system has its own air filters, but an air purifier or air scrubber can be a superb supplement.

Keep an HVAC Maintenance Schedule

Whatever IAQ-maintaining precautions you take, at least some pet hair and dander will inevitably find their way into your HVAC system. An eventual consequence of this can be a reduction of airflow through your system, but lower HVAC performance and efficiency will also follow on the heels of this. Also, your system can end up pushing some of those pollutants back into the air, which will decrease your IAQ.

To avoid this or minimize it, annual HVAC maintenance is essential. When performing maintenance, our service techs will inspect your system and thoroughly clean various components.

Whether you have cats, dogs or any other furry animals in your home, you may face daily threats to your IAQ. Luckily, none of this means you should resign yourself to living with low-quality air. Call Pleasant Air Inc. and schedule our IAQ services in Ogden, NC.

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